(Karen Elson images via fashiongonerogue, wish I could remember the others and credit them properly, but it's 3am, so I'll find them tomorrow...)

I have ridiculously sharp teeth, scratchy claws that are my main method of defense, I like naps and open fires, I'm small and pretty damn quiet on my feet, I climb up things but often need the boy to get me down...yup, I'm a cat.

Reasons for my semi-disappearance include two essays due at the end of this week, a constant stress-induced headache, and too many nights out. The fact that I've been in the house taking notes from ancient history book all day doesn't help outfit posts, as I tend to do that in my pajamas. Real life will go away soon, and I'll be able to retreat back into the blogosphere.


ps. I've switched to Helvetica, but I'm not changing my previous posts because I'm grumpy.


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